Menstruation & other impurities

A girl/woman’s menstrual flow is known as haiz.
The blood from giving birth to a child is known as nifas.
Other discharge of blood is known as istihaza.

Haiz– also known as menstruation or period

When a girl becomes a teenager, blood will release itself from her private area on a fixed monthly basis. This is known as menstruation, which is important as it allows a woman to become pregnant.

Menstruation usually happens from the age of 9 to 16. It continues until a woman reaches the age of approx. 54 years old.
It usually lasts between 3-6 days, although the pattern will sometimes change. However, it should not last for more than 10 days; after 10 days, if blood is still being released, it is known as istihaza.
It is advised that you keep note of the dates on which you menstruate, so that you have a rough idea of when to expect it next.

Before a girl’s monthly cycle, she may feel tired, unfocussed, weepy, depressed, angry and/or emotional. She may also feel dizzy. This is known as PMS, which means pre-menstrual syndrome.
Periods are not an illness, they are completely normal and it is also normal to experience PMS.
Many girls also experience stomach cramps, feeling bloated, headaches etc., but these are not reasons for concern. The best thing to do is relax, as this will make you feel much better.
Some well-known simple remedies include curling up with a hot water bottle, taking a painkiller or even eating a banana as this helps your stomach to feel more comfortable.
Wear pads as these will help absorb the blood, and to avoid staining your clothes it is advisable to wear dark colours during this time of the month. You can also wear tampons.
Change pads/tampons whenever you feel it is full or you feel uncomfortable. Dispose of pads immediately.
Please note that the white discharge is not menstruation, although it is completely normal.
Blood before the age of 9 years, or blood, which has only been discharging for less than 72 hours, is istihaza.
Also, the first 10 days of blood discharge is known as menstruation, but if the blood continues after that, it is istihaza.
A girl’s period can get missed due to severe weight loss, stress, travelling and exercise.

Nifas – blood discharged due to childbirth
The maximum duration for Nifas is 40 days & nights; more than 40 days is counted as istihaza.
Even if the blood stops and starts after a few days, it is still known as nifas.

Istihaza– blood discharged due to other causes
Istihaza may be discharged due illness, but it is not the same as Haiz or Nifas.
One experiencing Istihaza must pray Qaza for any Salah or fasts missed.
RULES for Haiz & Nifas
It is haram to read Salah, or to read/touch the Qur’an Sharif during Haiz or Nifas. It is also Makrooh to read Dua Qunoot.
Any other dua or Durood Sharif is allowed.
Qaza for Salah is not needed, however one must make up for any fasts missed during this time.
To keep in the habit of doing Salah, it is advisable to do Wudhu at the time of Salah and read Durood Sharif.
If a woman teaches children to read the Qur’an Sharif, she must hesitate between each word when reading out of the Holy book.
If menstruation (or Haiz) begins before Maghrib, her fast becomes nullified and she must make Qaza for it when she is able to do so.
A woman is allowed to take pills to stop menstruation during Ramadan, if it is safe for her to do so.
Women are also allowed to cook, clean, and do all other day-to-day duties while on Haiz or Nifas. To object to this is mere superstition & nonsense, which must be ignored.

As for stains from impurities, if it is washed off with one rinse, it is Mustahab to wash it 3 times. If need be, it should be washed more than thrice to remove the stain completely.

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